
5 Ways to Care for your Well-Being

Various Ways to Practice Wellness

When trying to master the never ending journey of self improvement you will come across a number of articles, blog posts, Instagram posts, podcasts and more that will offer tips, tricks, and other fun ways for you to improve yourself. Make no mistake, this is no different. 

I would also like to say that the more you look into different techniques to master yourself the more you will notice how similar they all are. This is great news because you don’t have to learn 1001 things to be able to take control of your time, life and your happiness. 

MIND’s 5 Ways to Wellbeing

I came across a great article by mind.org in a weekly newsletter at my workplace. I would highly recommend reading. On top what they list in this article, I have identified 5 additional ways for you to take care of your well-being!

Mind’s article offers the following:

  1. Connect
  2. Be active
  3. Take Notice
  4. Learn
  5. Give

They do go into more detail on each one of these points so please check it out. I found it extremely refreshing and helpful. You will always learn something new if you have an open mind. 

Book: The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down’ by Haemin Sunim

I’m currently re-reading one of 11 books I wanted to get into again this year. First on my list is: ‘The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down’ by Haemin Sunim.

It’s interesting, at the time of writing this, I’ve read the first chapter and the things I read 3 years ago are things that I am doing today! 

Like this beautiful quote, for example:

This takes me to my first point and beyond:

5 More Ways to take care of your Wellbeing:

  1. Slow Down: Slow…Down… Instead of multi tasking you can solo task it and just slow down. Aside from helping (DE?)muddle my thoughts I also find it helps me concentrate more and be more productive as a result. 
  2. Reframe your Questions: Your success will be entirely dependent on the questions you ask yourself. So will you ask yourself, “Why do I have to go into work?!” Or “How will I bring value to my workplace today?” The way you frame questions to yourself will determine how you feel and respond to them. 
  3. BE: Just be. This is so simple and so profound all in one. Being allows you to pause for a moment and savour all the amazing things you have done so far in your life. After all, you have accomplished A LOT! Take a moment to recognise that. RIGHT NOW. Take a minute or 2 to ‘Just Be’: A time where you don’t have to improve, you don’t have to meditate, you can sit and think about how awesome you are. 
  4. Have a Cup of Tea: Who else has experienced this? You’re at work, its extremely busy, you don’t even have time to complete your own work and now your boss wants you to complete something else, with urgency! You don’t even have time to make a cup of tea. But you do! Take a few minutes to make yourself a cuppa before starting what appears to be an impossible mission. There’s something very calming about sipping a hot drink. You can’t rush to down it, you have to slowly take sips while it warms you…
  5. Gratitude: I came across this rather interesting article on the power of gratitude. It even offers ways for you to practice gratitude! I challenge you to write a gratitude note. You can write that you’re grateful you have a job, that you have a home, or something more specific! Simply write on a piece a paper something you are grateful for. You can set a reminder in your calendar. And like the article says, if you don’t have time just be thankful in thought. 

Enjoy your Well-being!

I really enjoyed the original ideas from Mind and wanted to archive them for myself, to come back to when I needed. I thought that adding 5 more simple and effective ways could really benefit myself and others. I hope they help you to improve, maintain, master and enjoy your well-being! 


  1. https://www.mind.org.uk/workplace/mental-health-at-work/taking-care-of-yourself/five-ways-to-wellbeing/
  2. https://www.health.harvard.edu/healthbeat/giving-thanks-can-make-you-happier
  3. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01N9FL2NR/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1

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